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Ask me anything!

Where are you ?

I am in Nantwich Marina or known as Nantwich Canal Centre, on the left hand side on Chester road just before the aqueduct as you approach Welsh Row. CW5 8LB for your sat nav.  There is lots of safe parking and access to the canal path. I am parallel to the 'Shop on the Canal' gift shop full of unique handmade crafts and before the cafe.

My Dog is in season can you still groom her ?

Generally I prefer not to as it is often a more stressful and uncomfortable for your dog to be groomed. If in early or latter stages possibly though I would like to arrange a time when the salon is exclusively occupied by your dog.

What should I bring?

A collar and lead and a freshly walked (muddy is very welcome) and  toileted dog.
Please inform us of any special needs, ailments, old injuries, sensitive areas, any biting history, recent surgery and grooming history. Any blanket or toy your dog may find comfort in is fine and any treats you use.

My dog has bitten a groomer, will you still groom my dog?

Yes! but please be sure to inform us part of the dangerous dog act requires you to do so and holds you liable for injury and bites. Muzzles will be used for the groom only when needed and are for the protection of the groomer and the dog. They do not restrict mouth movement breathing etc and are soft. More than anything they are designed to keep fingers out of mouths. I do how ever reserve the right to end a groom should aggression be excessive and importantly the dogs stress level being too high and not in its best interest against the benefit of the groom. In this case full payment is still required.

My dog has a matted coat can you get them out?

I practice humanity before vanity, matting is uncomfortable for a dog and excessive matting is not acceptable. It is painful to brush out large matts and would be in breach of section 5 of the animal welfare act. Therefore excessive matts will be shaved off and if our opinion is that the coat be shaved back completely this will incur a further charge due to  additional time required and the heavy wear and tear on equipment (blades). An alternate gradual grooming process may be possible with very specialist product if matting is limited and is assessed to  be the right choice for dog health and if possible. I will not shave back a coat until I have tried to contact you by all means provided and a waiver has been signed.

I know my dog is nervous can you still complete a groom?

Yes I can, how ever please appreciate a nervous dog may incur extra charge due to the extra time, breaks and skills to complete. A nervous dogs mental health is part of the animal welfare act,  which will not be compromised. With enough notice we can arrange a time when the salon is at its quietest or possibly out of hours. In addition I also have calming remedies that can be very effective with a big dose of patience.

My dog has a skin condition. Can you help?

For basic conditions such as greasy skin yes.  All my shampoos are organic and natural with conditioner, some like the puppy shampoo is ideal for very sensitive skin. I also have specialist intense moisturising conditioners to resolve matting that can also help. However I will always recommend you seek a vets advice. If you have prescribed shampoo or medicines to be used during grooming I will use them instead of my own.

How frequently should I have my dog groomed?

Assuming you regularly brush your dog according to coat type requirements keeping it knot and matt free between grooms,  regardless of lifestyle. Then the following is an approximate guide.

Curly coats – Poodles, Bichon, every 5 weeks

Harsh wiry coats – Airedale, Welsh Terrier, Fox terrier, Schnauzers every 8 weeks.

Long silky coated breeds – Yorkshire terrier maltese, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Spaniel every 8 weeks.

Short coated breeds – Pointers, Corgis, Labrador, short Alsation, 12- 16 weeks for a De-shed  and when ever smelling less than sweet.

Double coated breeds – Border Collie, Husky, St Bernard, 2-3 times a year but lifestyle and activity may require more frequent  visits. Also will require very regular brushing to keep the coat in good condition and matt free.

Do you accept large and heavy dogs?

Yes large dogs are welcome (bigger cuddles!). If they are aware of there size and non compliant, there are different ways to work with a dog to get where we need to go. From entering the bath to refusing to get on the table or stay there for example. Not a problem nothing wrong with the floor if they are happier.

What payment can you take?

Cash and cards debit and credit.

07963452187 / 01270416068

  • Nantwich Marina Dog Grooming
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